Friday, June 14, 2019

Bring books with you anywhere! Sora ebook and audiobook collection from Overdrive.

WMS is excited to join the Massachusetts Library System Commonwealth eBook (and audiobook!) Collection! 

Students and faculty will have access to a preselected, grade-appropriate selection of ebooks and audiobooks. The collection can be accessed when a student is logged into their WPS google account via or through the Sora app. The app's vendor is Overdrive, which will be familiar to those who use the Overdrive collection at your public library, as well as older siblings already using Sora at WHS. 

Demos have been provided to a many students this week, including how to link a public library Overdrive account. Further tutorials and more information will be available on the WMS library website.

Here is the quick version to get you started:
  • Make sure that you are logged into your student WPS gmail account.
  • Go to or, with permission from an adult in your household, download the Sora app.
  • Choose the MLS Commonwealth eBook Collection.
Choose Wayland MS & HS (Students)

Many thanks to the WPSF for funding our initial membership and copies of books read in ELA class and book groups that are not already available via the Collection!