About the Library

The mission of the Wayland Middle School Library Media Center is to provide current, highly reviewed, curriculum-related materials, and a variety of free reading options for its students. The Center also contributes resources which support information in new, growing areas of knowledge. The Center strives to open up avenues of research to all of its students by providing opportunities for instruction in research skills, information literacy, and media competency, while offering flexible scheduling for full class, small group, or individual instruction.

The library is typically open from 7:15 AM to 2:30 PM on an average day. Any changes are posted in the library. Faculty can find a full up-to-date schedule of reservations on a shared calendar.

Circulation Policy
Books are circulated for a two week period. Materials can be renewed. We encourage students to return books as soon as they are finished reading them so that others can enjoy them!

Notices summarizing what materials students have checked out are generated on a regular basis and distributed to students via school e-mail accounts or in homerooms. Books that are lost or damaged must be replaced by a method decided upon by the student and the library media specialist. Students are obligated to fulfill their library obligations by June in order to receive end-of-the-year privileges. The library media specialist should be consulted as individual problems arise.

Book donations are welcomed to the Library Media Center through a program called Leave a Legacy. Parents may wish to honor a child's birthday or a teacher with a book to be selected by the library media specialist and the parent. A book plate will be placed in the selected title and the honoree will receive an acknowledgment. Please contact the library media specialist for further information.

The Library Media Center encourages volunteerism from the parents and community members as well as from student volunteers. Volunteers are invaluable to the smooth running of the Center and are solicited in the school newsletter as well as at Back to School Night in the fall. Opportunities include data entry, inventory, circulation, preparation of reserve book carts, correspondence, laminating, filing, and construction of displays.

Training is also provided for students who wish to donate one study a week on a five day rotation or for special needs students who need opportunities to learn social and job skills for future employment.

A Management Notebook is available for viewing in the Library Media Center. Topics on policy which are covered in the Notebook include collection selection, reconsideration, weeding, acceptable use policy (AUP), filters, copyright, fines and fees, scheduling, and volunteer opportunities.

The Library Media Center is a part of the Massachusetts Library System, funded by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. Our membership allows us access to databases which are dedicated to accuracy and currency. Some of those databases include Infotrac, World Book-on-line, Boston Globe archives-Proquest, Literary Reference Center, and First Search. For a full list, click here.