Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Francophone Countries and Regions of France

So, you are researching Francophone countries, or maybe regions in France.
Here are some resources that can get you started:

  • The library catalog:  Look up your country/region. Most books will be in the geography section (910's) or history-by-country section (940-972), but you will also find good information in cookbooks, science, architecture, arts, etc. Some books may be about multiple countries in a region and you will need to use the index or ToC to find yours. Note that many of these resources are already set aside for you on a cart.

  • Webpath Express:  While you are in the library catalog, click on Webpath Express for a list of websites on your topic that are geared toward students k-12. Remember to try different keywords!
When you are looking at a resource, remember to use strategic searching! If the website is about architecture in all of France, use ctrl-F (PC) or comnd-F (mac) to find the part of the page with your information.

Cite your sources!

This year, we are introducing a web-based tool called NoodleTools, to help you keep track of the resources that you use.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tree Octopus: a lesson for 6th grade Information Investigators

Some of you may not know that Ms. Monahan used to work with animals and is still very interested in different types of animals.

One of her favorite animals is the Tree Octopus.

Information Investigators:  Your assignment is to examine this website about the Tree Octopus to determine whether or not it should be included in Webpath Express.

Please examine the website quietly. You will have a chance to share your thoughts with the class.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Welcome Back!

Hope that everyone had a great summer!

If you are interested in being a library volunteer this year, swing on by the library and fill out your preferred time(s) on the sign-up clipboard.

We've had a low-tech year so far while catching up from the post-hurricane power outages and are looking forward to hitting full stride this week. Thanks for your patience in not being able to get accurate ideas of what is and isn't checked out by looking in the catalog.

One thing that hasn't slowed down is check-outs! I continued to be impressed by how well you know yourselves as readers and your openness to trying new and different books.

Looking forward to a fantastic year!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Reading!

Wow. Can you believe that it's summer already?

The library has collected this list of recommended summer reading from current nonfiction and fiction titles as a collaborative effort with April Mazza, the head of Youth Services at the Wayland Public Library, in consultation with the ELA Department. Also featured on the list are student-recommended titles from our Book Oscars.

You'll notice that you can click on the tabs to access the list in alphabetical order by author, title or genre.

This list will be available at the WPL and is on file at Barnes and Noble in Framingham.

For supplemental reading lists, please see the American Library Association's Youth Media Awards and recommended booklists.

We wish you a fantastic summer full of wonderful books and look forward to sharing in the fall!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Contest: January Hallway Math!

We're down to the end of the month!

This month's Math in the Hallways Contest is making a bookplate for the new Math Corner in our Library. We are very excited to have received a grant from the Wayland Public Schools Foundation to start a Math Corner in the library. This bookplate will be put in each of the books purcahsed through the grant as part of our way of saying thanks to the WPSF.

If you haven't yet had a chance to put your artistic and mathematical talents to use, this weekend if a great time to put together your entry! Please make sure that images are hand drawn or computer drawn using your own characters.