Thursday, September 11, 2014

Welcome Back to Teen Library Advisory!

The Wayland Teen Library Advisory Group is a collaboration of WPS students in grades 6-12 who meet monthly to discuss library-related topics and give feedback on library programs. Meetings rotate between WMS, WHS and the WPL. All students are welcome! To encompass a range of students, we try to offer a variety of activities offer events on different days of the week when possible.

September meeting:

Bring your original artwork, writing, costumes, etc. 
about your favorite books, TV shows, movies, anime, etc.
Share about awesome books you've read.
How do The Giver and The Fault is in Our Stars movies and books compare?

 Tuesday, September 16th

bus to WHS by arrangement in your RSVP

Monday, September 8, 2014

Welcome Back!

Those with a keen eye will notice that there is a new tab on the library catalog

Universal Search searches all library of our resources, providing easy access to print books, cloud-based electronic books, cloud-based audiobooks and preselected websites. 

It can be accessed directly at

Stay posted for more information!