Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Vote for the CB Care & Use Poster Contest Winner!!!

Click on the image above to vote by the end of the day on Tuesday, December 22nd!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

TLAB: Take Things Apart (and build new ones!)


In January March, the Teen Library Advisory Group will be taking apart old technology... 
so that in February we can make our own Steampunk Creations! (including jewelry!) 
Come to one, the other, or both of these events!

WHAT:  Take Things Apart (Provided, or bring things with parent permission)
HOW:  Safely, with tools. Use the RSVP form below to determine your transportation needs
WHERE:  Wayland Public Library
WHEN:  Tuesday, January 27th (with apologies to Science Olympiad, Play practice, and Anime...)
WHEN:  Thursday, March 18th (with apologies to Select Chorus)
WHY:  Fun with friends!

RSVP here.

Image source:
endolith. Logitech MediaPlay Mouse Internals 049. Digital image. Flickr. N.p., 18 Jan. 2007. Web. 14 Dec. 2014. Used under Creative Commons license.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

TLAB: December at the Movies (at WHS)

Join us at the last Teen Library Advisory Meeting of 2014!

When: Tuesday, December 9th, 2:45-4:30
Where: Little Theater Wayland HIGH School
What: Movie, with snacks at Intermission
How: Use the RSVP form below to determine your transportation needs
Why: Popular Request!

RSVP here and permission slip here 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Gaming in Your Library Day 11/17/2014!

Join the Teen Library Advisory Board for Gaming in Your Library Day!

The Wayland Teen Library Advisory Board's

FOURTH International Gaming in Your* Library Day Celebration!

MONDAY, November 17th
WMS Library

Be ready to play an assortment of games or bring a game of your own to share or demo! 
(Let me know to reserve table space for demos...)

WHS students, please see Ms. Schmidt if you will need to take a bus to WMS. 

  *  well, ok, Gaming in Your Current or Past Library Day!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Information Investigator Bookmark

Today we will start working with our bookmarks!
Please open this link in a new tab so you can follow the directions below.

  1. Make a COPY -- if you are working with partner(s), only one person in the group should do this.
  2. RENAME: "InfoInv Bookmark [your name(s)]"
  3. SHARE: Add your partner(s) AND sara_ravid@wayland.k12.ma.us (you can copy/paste that!) -- make sure you pick CAN EDIT

Thursday, October 2, 2014

TLAB: EL Wire @WPL ~ Wednesday, October 29


Our next meeting is at the WPL. We'll be working with an expert to create with EL Wire.
EL Wire lights up when you run electricity through it. Lots of fun ways to use it at night! (Like maybe that Friday night while walking through your neighborhood in costume?)
For more information about EL Wire and our presenter, see this blog entry.

WHAT:  Create with EL Wire
WHEN:  Wednesday, October 29th 1:30-3pm
HOW:  Bus to WPL by arrangement in your RSVP
WHY:  EL Wire is supercool and superfun!!!

RSVP here and permission slip here 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Welcome Back to Teen Library Advisory!

The Wayland Teen Library Advisory Group is a collaboration of WPS students in grades 6-12 who meet monthly to discuss library-related topics and give feedback on library programs. Meetings rotate between WMS, WHS and the WPL. All students are welcome! To encompass a range of students, we try to offer a variety of activities offer events on different days of the week when possible.

September meeting:

Bring your original artwork, writing, costumes, etc. 
about your favorite books, TV shows, movies, anime, etc.
Share about awesome books you've read.
How do The Giver and The Fault is in Our Stars movies and books compare?

 Tuesday, September 16th

bus to WHS by arrangement in your RSVP

Monday, September 8, 2014

Welcome Back!

Those with a keen eye will notice that there is a new tab on the library catalog

Universal Search searches all library of our resources, providing easy access to print books, cloud-based electronic books, cloud-based audiobooks and preselected websites. 

It can be accessed directly at https://www.gofollett.com/

Stay posted for more information! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

RLC in Wayland

Click here for a project for 7th grade students who are not in Cape Cod this week.

Friday, May 16, 2014


Time is flying! By popular request, the last meeting of the year is.... MORE FANDOM!

Meet old friends and new at the WMS library after school on Friday, May 30th.

Click here to RSVP.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Test the Trial

There is a new KidInfoBits -- what do you think about it?


Monday, March 17, 2014

TLAB: Makey Makey on Friday, 3/28

Invent with Makey Makey!

Use bananas, kiwis, potatoes, spoons, or other everyday objects as your computer keyboard!

Friday, March 28
2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Wayland Public Library

RSVP and get a permission slip online or @WMS library

Want to know more about Makey Makey? Click here!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pi Day 2014!

Pi Day takes place annually on 3/14. (The first three digits of Pi!) In the 6th grade, Clusters have traditionally celebrated Pi Day as part of the Mathematics Curriculum.

This year we are excited to also celebrate "Pre-Pi Day" during 7th grade lunch on Thursday, March 13th, and Pi Day during 8th grade lunch on Friday, March 14th. Costumes and thematic lunches are encouraged! (Yes, you may bring your lunch. We'll have trash cans and time for clean-up.)

All are invited to celebrate after dismissal until 3pm on Friday!

Get in the mood with some Pi Videos!

Sign up below to reserve space/time to share your Pi-creativity (and get on the lunch list)
Thanks to the Math Department for their continued partnership and contagious excitement about celebrating Math year-round!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Nominate Best Books!

It's time to nominate the Best Books read in 2013!

6th grade, this is YOUR task.

Click here!

We will vote on them once everyone has had a chance to nominate...

Monday, March 3, 2014

Information Investigator Bookmark Charts

Use the link below to find the bookmark template for your class.

Log into googleapps
Save a COPY on one group member's account
Rename it with both of your names in the title
Share with the other partner(s)
Share with sara_ravid@wayland.k12.ma.us (be efficient and effective- copy and paste!)

Complete the information to the best of your ability.
Have a question? Look at the resources or practice the strategies!

Be prepared to present your slides with the group!

4th Quarter Purple

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February Teen Library Advisory Group: BeadforLife

Thanks to everyone who made our Fandom Festival so EPIC!
Everyone wanted to do it again.... so we're going to! And on a non-Thursday! Date to come in March or April.

In the meantime, join us at the February meeting...

What:    Beading Workshop with BeadforLife
When:   Thursday, Feb. 13 2:30-4:00 p.m.
Where:  Wayland Middle School Library
How:  WMS students:  let Ms. Ravid know you are coming so we can have enough snacks!
How:  WHS students:  let Ms. Schmidt know you are coming so we can get you bus space to WMS!

Make a Memory Bracelet out of paper beads, learn to roll beads out of paper, have fun, and support women and families in Uganda! -- all in this workshop led by Cristina Booker from BeadforLife.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Information Investigator Bookmark

Here is the bookmark template for 2nd Quarter PURPLE CE Information Investigators:  LINK

Here is the bookmark template for 2nd Quarter PURPLE AD Information Investigators:  LINK