Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mesopotamian Artifact Research

Making an artifact for Social Studies class?

Here are links to resources about Mesopotamia:

Monday, December 3, 2012

Teen Library Advisory Group -- Meeting on December 10!

Join us!

December Teen Library Advisory Group Meeting 
Monday, December 10th 
after school at the PUBLIC LIBRARY

come and decorate your own cupcake(s)!

(otherwise we might not have a cupcake for you, 
and that... would be sad!) 

Come to the library to RSVP and make bus arrangements!

Friday, November 30, 2012

More about search engines!

If you are interested in more information about search engines, here is a video from Google.com. (6:21)
(If you have learned about RAPT, think about the level of complexity, author and purpose of this video...)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Information Investigator video links

Today we are learning about different types of places online to get information. This video is about Internet browsers. This tells about how a specific search engine, Google, works. This video is about databases with newspaper and magazine articles. What word do you know in "database?"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Teen Read Week @ the WPL!

Save the date for the next Teen Library Advisory Group!



Wayland Public Library

Last month, we met with WPL librarian Pam McCuen at the WMS library to talk about the new teen space that the WPL is creating. This month, we'll tour the space in person, collect more ideas and celebrate Teen Read Week. Join your public librarian, school librarian and Middle School friends and neighbors for snacks, conversation and our second annual Teen Read Week Book Charades!

Students who do not take a bus, or whose bus does not go to the WPL but would like to take a school bus to the meeting must see Ms. Ravid by Tuesday, October 16th to arrange bus transportation to the WPL. Please make sure to make arrangements to get home from the library at 3:45pm.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Help Plan the WPL Teen Space!

Our Public Library is creating a Teen Space! 

And we can't do this without your help!  

The first meeting of our monthly WPL-WMS-WHS Teen Library Advisory Group is a special WMS-only meeting for students to be part of planning their new teen space with our public librarian. 

We will meet after school in the middle school library on  
Thursday, September 13th – 2:20-3:15. 

Students who can't make it or are interested in learning about future meetings can see your public of school librarian.

Stay posted for details of our October meeting, celebrating Teen Read Week!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Reading 2012!

Can you believe that it is already summer?

WMS reads all year 'round.

Information about Summer Reading and Book Buzz forms can be found on the school website.

The Summer Reading page has a list of book suggestions to get you started. You'll notice that you can click on the tabs to access the list in alphabetical order by author, title or genre.

Remember that you also can click on the Reading link above for additional booklists and award-winners.

Also, don't forget that the WPL lends out audiobooks and ebooks that you can read on your device via Overdrive. Use your library card from anywhere with an internet connection.

Finally, you can use your WPL card to use NoveList K-8 for recommendations.

We wish you a fantastic summer full of wonderful books and look forward to sharing in the fall!